Wednesday, July 13, 2011

RSS Feeds

Although I don't think I'll use this feature a lot, I did the assignment and I did manage to add some feeds to a reader. I enjoy historical novels so this is one of the best feeds for historical novels that I found.


  1. I agree. It isn't something that I use, but I at least I know what it is and can talk about it.

    I love the historical novels site and I really love that you linked the URL to the words historical novels. Way to go! I just finished reading Signora da Vinci, which was really good.

  2. I will use it a lot for current events. I'm trying to think of ways to use this with my students.

  3. I just read your blog for the first time. You are doing a wonderful job. There is just so much to take in.

  4. Great site. I am an avid reader and this site offers me new ideas for reading.
